welcome to the


‘And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.'

Republic aims to put more freedom for healing in the hands of our members. A Christian founded collaborative that focuses on the mind, body and soul of each patient. We care about our members. We care about our team. We're looking for long-term transformation through conventional, alternative and complementary fields. The difference is the way we care.

Practitioners work together on cross-over patients. We share space; we share a mission: Heal the People. We remember where we came from and treat each patient and team member like a gift and responsibility.

We maintain communication with patients outside of appointment times through educational resources, technology, newsletters, videos and more. We give back to our communities individually, as well as collectively.

Annually, we host a team and member gratitude celebration.


Robert Spackman, D.C.

Dr. Spackman is originally from Spokane, Washington. He went to the University of Providence in Great Falls, Montana where he obtained his B.S. in Biology. He graduated from the second oldest chiropractic school, University of Western States, in Portland, OR with his Doctor of Chiropractic degree as well as a B.S. in Human Biology. Dr. Spackman is accredited through the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, completing Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Boards. He is also certified in medical acupuncture. Dr. Spackman is passionate in guiding patients on their way to optimal health and prevention of further disease or pain. He uses chiropractic techniques, active and passive care to help restore proper function and mobility to his patients. Dr. Spackman is an avid outdoor enthusiast who enjoys mountain biking, rock climbing and hiking with his girlfriend and two dogs in his free time.